Driving on today’s busy roads has a degree of inherent risk that a tire will hit a sharp object causing damage. Depending on the obstruction, you might experience a slow leak with small embedded nails or screws. If you have a slow leak causing the Tire Pressure Monitoring System to alert or you can see a metal object stuck in your tire causing a slow leak, you might be the perfect candidate for Tire Patch & Repair Service that repairs smaller punctures to the tire rubber.
Tire Patch & Repair Service is approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association. It is an excellent way of saving a tire and getting the most value out of your tire investment despite minor damage. At Vern Eide Honda, we provide Tire Patch & Repair Service for all Honda models at our Service Department in Sioux Falls, near Mitchell, Watertown, Aberdeen, Pierre, Chamberlain, and Rapid City, South Dakota.
Tire Patch & Repair Service can fix small rubber punctures that measure a ¼ inch or less in diameter located in the center of the tread. If the damage is greater than a ¼ inch in diameter or is located on the sidewall, the damage does not qualify for repair and will require replacement to restore reliable performance. Here are the qualifying prerequisites for a damaged tire to receive Patch & Repair Service:
The Patch itself has two fundamental components in the plug and seal; it’s designed from a durable rubber composite material and powerful rubber-bonding sealant. The plug fills the puncture to stop air from escaping and the seal closes the plug inside the puncture and then creates an airtight seal around the plugged puncture. Gain peace of mind with your minor tire damage by getting a Tire Patch & Repair Service with us at Vern Eide Honda in Sioux Falls, ND.
Vern Eide Honda, South Louise Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD, USA