Your car is a huge part of your day to day life and keeping it in good shape is just one of the ways you can be sure that it is going to last for as long as you need it. Since you use your car nearly every day, it can pick up dirt and debris like wrappers and dust that make it less than ideal to ride in, this is where a good car wash and detail service comes in handy.
Washing and detailing is more than just washing off the dirt and slapping on a coat of wax or protectant. The Car wash and detail services at Vern Eide Honda are:
Your car is a big part of your day and a car that is dirty, grimy, or that has trash in it is simply not as ideal as it might be if you keep it clean. If you have kids or you drive often, your car might be a bit dirtier than other cars so keeping it clean is a must. A clean car is going to be worth more on resale and is also going to be more comfortable for you and for those that are driving or riding with you. A good detailing and cleaning service can help to keep your car looking newer longer and can also help protect things like your clear coat and your seats and upholstery as well.
Car washing and detailing does not affect the overall way that your car runs but it can affect how happy you are when you are riding or driving. It is important that you take the time to keep your car clean so that you and your passengers will be comfortable while riding and so that your upholstery will not get stained and your clear coat will remain intact.
Vern Eide Honda has a helpful staff, kids play area, drinks, early bird drop off, flat screen TVs and more to help make sure that your visit is not only worthwhile but that it is also pleasant and comfortable.