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Honda Recall Department

Recalls generally come with a solution that certified service centers can provide at no cost to you.

Your Center for Honda Recalls in Sioux Falls, SD

Recalls are a vital part of Honda’s commitment to their customers. They’re the main way that Honda takes care of any defects or problems they didn’t know about when they released your vehicle. To get these taken care of swiftly and efficiently, Honda has certified service centers nationwide that will perform recall service at no cost to you. At Vern Eide Honda, we’re one of those service centers, and we’re your local center for recall services for Harrisburg, Tea, and Brandon, SD.


What is a Recall?

When Honda receives consumer reports about a defect in a certain subset of their vehicles, they confirm that the problem is present from factory release and issue a recall. This is a notification of the problem sent to every registered Honda owner who falls into that category. Recalls generally come with a solution that certified service centers can provide at no cost to you, which we do when you come in to take care of any recalls on your vehicle.

Vern Eide Honda Recall Department

Honda Recall Department

How to Know if You Have a Recall on Your Vehicle

Sometimes the notification gets lost in the mail, or you might mistake it for trash, or maybe it came to a previous owner of the car, and you don’t know about it. That’s why we have a recall finder tool, which allows you to look up your vehicle and see all the recalls (if any) that are open on your vehicle. That way, you can know for sure if you have a recall that needs attention, and you can get it resolved as soon as possible.


Why Resolve Recalls?

The simplest reason you should resolve recalls is that they are provided at no cost to you since the resolution is Honda fixing an error on their end, but recalls are also a safety hazard. When something has malfunctioned that Honda didn’t find before the car was sent out to customers, that means that the malfunction in question isn’t up to Honda’s safety standards. This can cause serious risk to you and your passengers, so it’s better to get your recalls taken care of promptly and swiftly.

Visit Vern Eide Honda for Your Honda Recall Needs

We’re more than willing to help you with your recall needs. Whether that’s finding out if you have a recall that needs taking care of, getting a current open recall taken care of, or anything else related to recalls and recall resolution. Our certified service center has all the experts necessary to keep your car at its best, so you can trust us and set up your appointment online or by phone today!

Get Directions

5200 S Louise Ave, Sioux Falls, SD, 57108
Vern Eide Honda 43.4984156, -96.7717476.